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Creating Locations and Maps for War Thunder
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Having already mentioned 3D Aircraft Modelling & Cockpits, it's time to get started on Maps!

The War Thunder Content Development Kit (CDK) has already made a big impact on the community, with more users getting involved every day. This complex set of tools takes your War Thunder experience to a whole new level, from adapting game mechanics to developing your own creations to function in game. With the vast amount of tools to fulfil your every needs, there is no limit to your imagination.

Creating Locations and Maps in the War Thunder CDK

Creating a whole Location of your own design may sound daunting, however the extensive tools provided to you by the CDK allow you to not only create, customize, adapt and shape your desired map, but also allows you to test it and place it into the game to see your creation firsthand.

Truk Lagoon Custom map

Metropolis Custom map

Perhaps you would like to recreate a famous location or legendary historic battle? The CDK allows for complete flexible control over the creation of any location thanks to the options, presets and tools available within the program. Another popular favorite amongst the community is the ability to create custom hangar locations and create your own place to call home every time you return from battle!

CDK: Location Editor (Part 1)

CDK: Location Editor (Part 2)

Players then share their content among the community and upload it for other users to download it on the War Thunder Live. Content created via the CDK and uploaded to War Thunder Live also has a chance of making it into the game via the revenue share program, more information on that can be found in our dedicated Wikipedia Article.

Try out some more user-made maps:

Malta Custom Mission Tank Race Custom Mission Stalingrad Custom Mission Tobruk Custom Mission Wadi Custom Mission

About the War Thunder CDK:

The War Thunder Content Development Kit (CDK) is an official set of tools that allow you to create your own user generated content for use in War Thunder. If you have ever wanted to design your own aircraft 3D models, custom maps, missions and skins, the CDK is an extremely useful tool for putting your own personal work into War Thunder and allowing you to use your creations in game.

The War Thunder Wikipedia has a range of articles spanning the CDK’s features and will help you to produce a variety of content and assist you to getting your creations in War Thunder:

We are looking forward to see and try your creations!

The War Thunder Team

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